The Issues

Democrats: Increase taxes on the wealthy to pay for public programs.
Republicans: Cutting taxes for everyone helps the economy.
Frank: The current tax code is way too complicated and getting more complicated all the time. My opinion is that the country needs to move towards a simpler, taxation structure to not only make it easier for people to pay their taxes, but also to make it easier to determine when people aren’t paying their fair share. At this time, I also do not believe it is necessary to lower or increase taxes. The current level of tax revenues is fair and necessary given the present needs of the country. I do not believe in increasing taxes for two reasons:

First, in the long run, increased taxes are often counterproductive to overall revenue. Second, increased taxes only lead to increased government spending and I believe the Federal Government already has plenty of our money to spend.

Democrats: Maintain or reduce military spending; expand veteran’s benefits; act in concert with other nations and/or with support from NATO and the UN.
Republicans: Increase military spending; cut veteran’s benefits; don’t be constrained by other nations or by NATO and the UN.
Frank: We do not need to be the world’s policeman. For one thing, most other countries resent it. Second, we aren’t very good at it. We are in places we shouldn’t be and not in places we should be, so let’s not be anywhere unless we are asked and there is a compelling reason for us to be there. If a dictator in Africa is allowing people to hack the arms off of each other, then maybe we have a moral obligation (not the right) to do something to stop it. Beyond that, we shouldn’t be spending all of our money stationing our soldiers all over the world. “Walk softly and carry a big stick” was excellent advice. I propose that we stick to that advice by greatly reducing our presence overseas and focusing our attention on the defense of our country.

Death Penalty
Democrats: Oppose/It’s not a deterrent and innocent people are in jeopardy. Republicans: Favor/The death penalty is necessary and effective.
Frank: As an individual I am not opposed to the death penalty, but I truly believe this is a State issue. I also, however, believe that the death penalty system has gotten to the point where it is becoming not only impractical, but also economically unfeasible. I see the system slowly moving away from death to life in prison without parole.

Gun Control
Democrats: Favor/Gun control is needed.
Republicans: Oppose/Gun control is unconstitutional.
Frank: Although the Federal Government has instituted several nationwide gun laws, I believe that further gun control or ownership issues are more properly addressed on the state and local level. It is up to the individual states to establish the laws that they feel are fair and necessary concerning the ownership and use of guns. As an outdoorsman, hunter and recreational shooter, I do not see guns as inherently evil and believe that further action by the Federal Government to restrict gun ownership is not necessary.

The Environment
Democrats: Strong regulations needed to protect the environment.
Republicans: Strong environmental laws harm the economy.
Frank: I am an outdoorsman. There is nothing I enjoy more than hiking through open spaces, hunting and fishing. I also have children and am worried about what resources they will have as they, and hopefully someday, their children, grow older. Naturally, I am for protecting the environment. However, there is a give and take to everything. As the country continues to grow so will our demands for space and natural resources. I believe that the environment can be protected and nurtured while still being used for the greater good of all Americans. Sometimes that will require a set-aside of certain areas of the country as protected environments and sometimes that will require that we exploit the land and minerals to keep our country going. Will everyone be happy with my decisions? Probably not, but as a President that is independent of the influences of the major parties, I can always make my decisions based on the best information and the best interests of our country, both today and in the future.

Democrats: Government should require universal access to healthcare.
Republicans: Private insurers are preferable to government mandates.
Frank: While I believe that our system of healthcare works fairly well, something must be done to make it more affordable for the middle class. Health care is easy for the rich and, while not perfect, widely accessible for the poor. It is the middle class that is being unfairly burdened with health care costs. Between the costs of often frivolous liability lawsuits and taking care of large numbers of illegal aliens, the healthcare system is being burdened with a tremendous amount of extra expenses. In turn, those expenses are being passed along to people that make enough to afford insurance, but upon whom it is becoming a much greater burden with each passing day.

Flag Burning
Democrats: Flag burning is political speech and protected by the Constitution.
Republicans: Protect the flag from burning by a constitutional amendment.
Frank: I don’t think flag burning is an issue that requires a Constitutional amendment for the simple reason that if no one got overly excited about it, then it wouldn’t be any big deal to do it. Flag burners are like little children trying to do something bad to get their parents’ attention. If a parent ignores the behavior, the child stops. Same with flag burning. Aren’t there more important things to worry about than whether or not someone burns a flag now and then?

Social Security
Democrats: Oppose privatization and oppose raising retirement age.
Republicans: Social Security privatization will keep the system solvent.
Frank: Social Security was established as a safety net for people at a time when people were not expected to live much past the age when Social Security became effective. Fortunately for us, but unfortunately for the program, people are living much longer these days and are also able to work much longer. I believe that for Social Security to continue to be a viable program for future generations that the retirement age at which one may start to collect social security must continue to increase.

The Patriot Act
Democrats: Strengthen some parts of Patriot Act and change other parts.
Republicans: The Patriot Act is used to track terrorist activity.
Frank: In some ways the Patriot Act is the scariest thing to happen to the civil liberties of the American People since the founding of our country. Not all provisions of the Act are bad, but I think it was cobbled together too quickly and may be far too overreaching in the long run.

Democrats: Path for undocumented aliens to earn citizenship.
Republicans: Only legal immigrants, through tightly controlled borders.
Frank: I am all for legal immigration which is accomplished in a rational, planned way. If we were to just throw open our doors to the world, we would be inundated with new arrivals. America has a tremendous capacity to deal with new people, create new jobs and provide everyone with a great place to live, but we need to be able to do it rationally. The current wave of illegal immigrants that has hit the country are causing a serious strain on our social system and we need to slow the onslaught down in order to give our country time to catch up.

Appointment of Judges
Democrats: Appoint judges committed to Constitutional rights.
Republicans: Stop activist judges from banning Pledge & Ten Commandments.
Frank: I firmly believe in a serious separation between the three branches of government and do not like activist judges that use try to use their position on the bench to set new laws and establish new policies. The judges I appoint will be moderates who do not have a tendency towards political activism and who also believe in a strong separation between the different branches of the Federal Government, but also in a separation between the Federal and state governments.

Prayer in School
Democrats: Oppose/Violation of the separation between church and state.
Republicans: Favor/It is a religious right and our Judeo-Christian heritage.
Frank: Once again, this is a State and local issue. I send my children to Catholic school so for me personally it is not an issue. However, I believe that the separation of church and state issue has gotten blown way out of proportion. The initial separation of Church and State as conceived by the Founding Fathers was to prevent the establishment of a state religion. Believe me, I never want to see the establishment of a state religion as current history shows that doesn’t seem to work real well. The separation of Church and State was not to keep God out of all state sponsored activities. If that were so, why is God mentioned in the Constitution of not only the country, but of every state constitution as well. I really don’t think most atheists are offended when they hear people say a prayer. Nor do I think most people are offended when someone chooses not to pray. Just too much Political Correctness.

Democrats: Abortion is a woman’s right and should be legal.
Republicans: Abortion should be illegal and restricted by government. Frank: Having spoken with people who have been faced with the decision of getting an abortion or not, I realize it is probably one of the most difficult decisions most women can ever make in their lives and one rarely forgotten. My preference would be that no one would ever feel that they have to get or contemplate an abortion for any reason. However, I also believe that this is a moral issue that is best decided by a woman, her family, friends and religious beliefs.